Tribute Wall
Alexander Milkidis posted a condolence
Monday, December 7, 2020
Since I met Morley in 2013 I felt I had met a warm relative in law and a rare, valuable friend.
Despite the great distance between our countries, Morley and I found the way to keep our relationship alive through the years by mailing to each other.
I became the family correspondent (as he liked to refer to me) on behalf of the Greek part of the family so except family, we became also pen pals.
We literally exchanged hundreds of electronic letters through the years (we communicated even two or three times a week) discovering one another.
We shared so many common feelings, sensitivities and thoughts. I have always felt him very close to my mind and soul and I will miss him greatly.
This world gets even sadder without the light of Morley's heart, mind and soul.
But his laugh will always echo in my mind and his words and way of life will always remind me of life's beauty.
We will all miss you so much. Especially Mom sends you her love and hugs and she wishes she knew the English language so she could communicate with you directly throughout these years. So many things were lost in translation. She really loved you, you know. We all did. We always will.
My Dear Morley, this is the only letter of mine you will not answer to. I hope we meet again someday. Goodbye for now.
Love and hugs,
Alex (Greek family correspondent)
Ray Grosswirth posted a condolence
Monday, December 7, 2020
I was sorry to learn of Morley's passing. My sincere sympathies and prayers are with Wendy and her family. I will never forget the hospitality of Morley and Wendy, as several in the community gathered in their home for meetings to discuss the future of a talented symphony orchestra conductor. It gave me an opportunity to see their magnificent gardening and to view their splendid art work. Morley was a wonderful person, and it was great privilege to know him.
Eric and Diana Berge posted a condolence
Sunday, December 6, 2020
Diana and I were so sorry to hear about Morley - Condolences to all of you!
Edward After posted a condolence
Sunday, December 6, 2020
Dear Wendy and family: As kids..Morley and I lived right next door to each other on Alliance Ave..off Monroe. I'm pretty sure we were # 98 and the Gwirtzman's were #100 Alliance. We met at age 5 or 6....with his sister Honora.. and their cousins who lived with them. The friendship continued into adult hood and was rekindled in 1975 when my family and I returned to live in Rochester once again. As everybody who knew or met Morley..they found he was one terrific guy. You met him..and you met a friend for life.
We are very,very sorry to read of his passing. He was one sweet person..and knowing him added pleasure to ones life in many ways. We are very sad and will miss him forever.
Our deepest condolences.
Ed & Joan After
Linda and Richard Kaiser posted a condolence
Sunday, December 6, 2020
Hello Wendy and Family,
After reading the tribute about Morley, it is obvious what a gem of a person he was.
Richard was always encouraged by Morley during his time in the optical business.
Please know that we are thinking of you and remembering all the nice
times we shared.
Linda and Richard
Shirley posted a condolence
Sunday, December 6, 2020
Dear Wendy and Family,
For those of who knew Morley, our hearts are broken and saddened to hear of his passing. I’ve known Morley and his family since we were all youngsters and the Gwirtzman family came to buy shoes at my Fathers shoe store. Our parents were friends and socialized together. I saw Morley at MHS and again later in life when he helped his cousin Charlotte at the Summit, and again when we sat and did puzzles with Honey at the Jewish Home. He always had a smile on his face. He always seemed to have time to share with others. A most kind, gentle, sweet person. My sincere sympathy to all.
Shirley Jacobson
Elizabeth Zimmer posted a condolence
Sunday, December 6, 2020
I had forgotten that Morley and I share a birthday. It was like a private joke between us, and somehow made us relatives. In the quarter-century that I have known Daniel Morley was always a presence, in Rochester and in Manhattan, and I will miss him. Love to all of you who survive him; I'm sure he is somewhere cheering you on. Love, Elizabeth Zimmer
Barbara & Richard Michaels posted a condolence
Saturday, December 5, 2020
Wendy and family, our deepest sympathy, please know your in our thoughts and prayers!
Richard Asch posted a condolence
Saturday, December 5, 2020
Morley and I knew each other for 65 years.
We found each other on the same floor in the same dormitory at the University of Michigan. And some how my mother found him and sent him a birthday cake to surprise me with . . . that was the beginning of our friendship.
At the UM, Morley and I were fraternity brothers at AEPi.
In 1959, after graduation, we embarked on an adventure (like Cornelius and Barnaby – “Hello Dolly”) working in NYC and being roommates in an apartment in an area of Manhattan known as New Amsterdam.
A year later Morley returned to his hometown of Rochester, N.Y., where he worked for his father, married and raised his two children, Lisa & Daniel, with his wife Wendy. I have to say (for the sake of this story) that Morley and his wife attended both of my weddings; one to Susan Munich and one to Roger Sutton.
Morley was the most mindful man I have ever met. There was not a moment that he did not feel, sense, smell, see. He took it all in – every ounce. So naturally, he had memories and memories and memories . . . that I could not remember.
He had an amazing spirit . . . so full of JOY. He always saw the good side of anything that could possibly be construed as bad.
And he wrote letters (imagine that?) that were so fully expressive, with a remarkable, distinct penmanship style.
And he always called me on my birthday, until a few years ago when Parkinson’s took over. I will miss those calls; most of all I will miss my friend, always.
Dan Donnelly lit a candle
Saturday, December 5, 2020

Morley and I first met when I was interviewing to become the sales person for Advance Optical, fresh out of college my first job. What an amazing experience to see someone act with continual honesty, integrity and a genuine caring and concern for everyone he came in contact with.
That was many years ago, and throughout my life, I have never met such an exceptionable person whose very presence made you feel welcome, accepted and loved. Morley’s light shined on many people, and I am eternally grateful that we met, and for the amazingly positive influence he’s had on my life. Thank you, Morley and may God Bless you and your family always!
Jean Benedetto posted a condolence
Saturday, December 5, 2020
I am very blessed to know Morley, through my occupation as a NYS Optician. What a caring, joyful soul! I was always surprised (but not really) when yearly I received a Birthday card from dear Morley. I’m so glad I was able to see him and Wendy at talented Giada’s play...looking so proud of her he was. My family learned to love him too, especially my husband Jerry...but including my adult children, who often heard Morley’s name used, always, with such care and respect. I miss him. Jean Benedetto
Ellie Holtzman lit a candle
Saturday, December 5, 2020

Dear Wendy and family— I feel so blessed to have known Morley for many years and will miss his forever smile and warm engaging personality. His obituary describes him in perfect detail. He will be missed but remembered as a loving caring “mensch”
With my heartfelt sympathy for your loss-
Lovingly, Ellie
Mark Sidebotham lit a candle
Friday, December 4, 2020

Morley was this being of pure heart and kindness. One of those unique individuals who carry the ability to show you what brightness we are capable of.
He possessed an unwavering, gentle nature we should all strive toward.
I will miss him, we all will.
Fern Daniel posted a condolence
Friday, December 4, 2020
What a wonderful soul we have lost ! Morley was one of the dearest persons that I have ever known. My late husband, Mort Marlan ,used Advance Optical and always admired Morley and his Dad. I got to know Morley when I stopped teaching and worked in Mort’s office. We chatted and shared so much ! I particularly remember the pride he expressed in his family.
I was so sorry to learn that he had been ill. His memory certainly will be for a blessing ! My condolences to all!!!
Fern Marlan Daniel
Helen Presberg posted a condolence
Friday, December 4, 2020
This beautiful obituary describes the Morley we knew and admired perfectly. We will all miss him and want to send love and hugs to all his family. Helen and Saul
Joel kurland lit a candle
Friday, December 4, 2020

I first met Morley when I was 9 years old and I was taken by his intensity I didn't know at nine years old he was reading lips he also took the time to talk to a nine-year-old which I thought was pretty cool at the time she loves Bacci's pizza and every time he would come to our house and buffalo we had Bacci's Pizza most of the time he would fall asleep before reading it but that was because you work so hard we all loved Morley including our little dog MacTavish I'm going to miss him he was my intense uncle and I love him dearly
Saulbert F Rasnick posted a condolence
Friday, December 4, 2020
My dear friend Morley and I became partners in communicating with our
classmates and planning our newsletters and reunions. It was my great pleasure to have had the opportunity to be a part of his life.
The world has never seen a kinder, gentler, more generous person. He
will be greatly missed by all who ever knew him. My deepest condolence
to his family.
Philip Weintraub posted a condolence
Friday, December 4, 2020
I have had the pleasure of knowing Morley most of my life. He was a close friend to my sister, Ann, who went to Monroe High School with him.
If you look up the word mensch in a dictionary, a picture of Morley pops up.
Condolences to the family. May his memory be a be blessing.
The family of Morley Gwirtzman uploaded a photo
Thursday, December 3, 2020

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