Wednesday, November 6, 2019
I’m going to miss my birthday card and call every year. I’m going to miss the one through whom I could experience the love and connection to her family – my mother’s family. I’m going to miss visiting her because I always felt a very special bond, part of something special – a family, no – the Stiller Family.
Seabreeze; Parkway Family Restaurant; she taught me how to ride a bike; Carhart & McGee’s Magic Casements poetry book my mom had in East High School, loved, and which Sylvia gifted her in 1949, which I still enjoy not just the words but even more so the provenance. With her passing I lose a deep and powerful living connection – her love, my mother, my childhood, part of me.
“Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal. From an Irish headstone”