Eileen Testa

Eileen Testa

1930 - 2015

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Obituary of Eileen Testa

Eileen Testa Rochester : Passed away on April 16, 2015 at age 84. Predeceased by her husband, Louis Testa & son, Paul Jeffrey Testa. She is survived by her loving children, Ralph (Andrea) Testa & Randee Testa; grandchildren, Paul Louis Testa, Allyson & Zachary Testa; sisterin-law, Felice Harris; special niece, Carol Pardo & many nieces & nephews. Graveside Services will be held on Sunday, April 19, 2015 at 10 AM in Britton Road Cemetery. Click here for directions to Britton Road Cemetery. The family will receive following the service at 31 Songbird Lane from 2-5 PM. Click here for directions to the house of mourning. Home Rochester, New York Donations Paul Testa Athletic Fund c/o


The family will receive following the service at 31 Songbird Lane from 2-5 PM.

Service Info

Graveside Services will be held on Sunday, April 19, 2015 at 10 AM in Britton Road Cemetery.


Light of Israel section of Britton Road Cemetery.